Is It Dangerous if the Pilot Light Goes Out in a Gas Fireplace?

Is It Dangerous if the Pilot Light Goes Out in a Gas Fireplace?

For many of us, gas fireplaces are a cozy addition to our homes during the winter months. When the chill is in the air and you want to get extra warm and comfortable, it’s as easy as flipping a switch. However, if your gas fireplace isn’t working properly, it can be cause for alarm. If your pilot light somehow goes out while your fireplace is running, it could create a dangerous situation that puts both you and your loved ones at risk. In this post we’ll discuss the potential dangers associated with having an extinguished pilot light in your gas-powered fireplace – plus information on workflow solutions that can help you stay safe throughout colder weather seasons.

How Dangerous Is It If Your Pilot Light Goes Out?

If the pilot light in a gas fireplace or furnace goes out, it can pose a danger. If the pilot light keeps going out, it can lead to the accumulation of carbon monoxide and create a risk of fire hazard. To prevent any potential issues, it is best to have your gas fireplace regularly inspected and serviced yearly by a certified professional.

It is important to pay attention to the warning signs that indicate a pilot light may go out. These include frequent yellow flames, loud popping noises coming from the unit, or difficulty starting up the unit initially. If you observe these symptoms in your gas fireplace, it should be inspected immediately by a qualified technician.

If you suspect that your pilot light has gone out, do not attempt to re-light it yourself. The process can be dangerous and should only be done by a qualified professional. Even after the pilot light has been lit, you will want to have your gas fireplace or furnace inspected for any underlying issues that may have caused the pilot light to go out in the first place.

If you take proper precautions, it is unlikely that anything serious will come from a pilot light going out in your gas fireplace or furnace. However, it is still important to recognize warning signs and contact a qualified technician if any issues arise. Taking care of these problems quickly can help prevent hazardous situations down the road. [1]

How Dangerous Is It If

Why Is Your Pilot Light Going Out Or Not Appearing?

The pilot light is important in starting and keeping the flame on in gas fireplaces. If your pilot light goes out or fails to appear, it could indicate an issue with your fireplace that should be addressed.

The most common reasons for pilot lights going out or not appearing are issues related to airflow, inadequate pressure levels, and dirty components. Airflow problems can occur if the flue isn’t open enough and there is too much negative pressure inside of the home. Insufficient pressure can result from a clogged filter or poor combustion performance due to incomplete burning of fuel. Meanwhile, dirty components such as thermocouples and thermopiles can cause major issues when they become covered with soot.

It’s important to address any of these issues as soon as possible, since allowing the pilot light to remain off can cause significant wear-and-tear on your gas fireplace and potentially create hazardous situations due to a buildup of combustible gasses. For safety reasons, it is advisable that you consult with a professional if you are having trouble relighting your pilot light or don’t know what could be causing it to go out. A professional will be able to assess the situation and make sure that your fireplace is functioning properly and safely.

In conclusion, when it comes to gas fireplaces, the pilot light plays an integral role in keeping the flame burning. While some simple maintenance may allow you to reignite the pilot light yourself, it is recommended that you consult a professional in order to avoid any potential safety issues.  By doing so, you can ensure your fireplace is running properly and safely.

How Do You Relight A Pilot Light When It Goes Out?

Whenever a gas fireplace’s pilot light goes out, it is essential to relight it. The process of doing so is relatively simple and straightforward.

First, locate the pilot control knob on the fireplace and turn it to the “off” position. This will shut off the flow of gas to the pilot light. Wait five minutes before continuing any further steps, as this will ensure that any remaining gas in the line has dissipated. [2]

Next, hold down the red reset button located near the knob for one minute. This will allow fresh fuel to enter into the area around your pilot light once you light a match or use a lighter. Once you have held down the reset button for one full minute, release it and turn the knob to the “pilot” setting.

How Do You Relight

Finally, use either a lighter or match to light the pilot light. Keep holding down the knob for one full minute after it has been lit and then release it; your gas fireplace should now be ready to use again. Be sure to follow all safety instructions when relighting a pilot light and make sure that there is adequate ventilation in the area where you are working.

It is important to take care when dealing with pilot lights and any other type of gas appliance; if anything looks wrong or appears unsafe, it’s best to contact a professional right away rather than attempting any DIY fixes. Taking care of your gas fireplace is essential for keeping you and your family safe, so make sure to take all necessary precautions.

Can You Turn a Pilot Light Off?

It is possible to turn off a pilot light, although it is not recommended due to the potential of fire or explosion. Before attempting to turn off a pilot light, it is important to understand the importance and safety of having this feature on your gas fireplace.

A pilot light provides an ongoing source of ignition for when the fireplace is turned on. When lighting the fireplace, you ignite the gas with a match or lighter which in turn ignites the fuel from the pilot light flame. The continuous presence of a pilot light keeps that fuel from accumulating within your fireplace system, avoiding any dangerous buildup and providing optimal functioning of your appliance.

If you decide to attempt turning off your gas pilot light, make sure you know what type of gas you are using. Natural gas and propane require different methods for turning off the pilot light, so be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions on how to properly turn off the pilot light safely. Additionally, it is important to remember that without an ongoing source of ignition, your fireplace could become an explosive hazard if a buildup of fuel accumulates in its system.

If you do not feel comfortable or experienced enough with attempting to turn off your pilot light yourself, contacting a professional HVAC technician is recommended. They will have the knowledge and tools necessary in order to safely turn off and maintain any type of gas fireplace system.

In conclusion, it is not recommended to attempt turning off your pilot light due to the risks of fire or explosion. It is safest to keep your pilot light on and consult a professional HVAC technician if you are interested in turning off your gas fireplace system.

By following these precautions, you can ensure that you and your family remain safe while using your gas fireplace. [3]

Can You Turn a Pilot Light Off?

Is It Okay to Leave a Pilot Light On?

When it comes to gas fireplaces, the pilot light is a critical safety feature that needs to be monitored. The purpose of the pilot light is to ignite the main burner when you turn your fireplace on, and if it goes out, it can cause a buildup of noxious gasses.

If your pilot light does go out, it’s important not to try and relight it yourself. Instead, call a certified heating technician who will have access to special equipment necessary for safely relighting the flame. [4]

It’s also important to note that leaving a pilot light on all the time isn’t recommended either as this can waste energy and increase your utility bills. To save money and prevent the risk of dangerous gas build-up, turn off your pilot light when you’re not using the fireplace.

If you want to ensure that your gas fireplace is being used safely, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and keep up with regular maintenance checks. Keeping a close eye on your pilot light will help keep you and your family safe from potential dangers. [5]


Is the fireplace safe if the pilot light goes out?

The short answer is yes. The majority of gas fireplaces come with a safety shut-off feature that will automatically turn off the flow of gas to the fireplace if the pilot light goes out. This prevents any build up of dangerous gases in your home and keeps you safe from potential fires or explosions. As long as this safety system is working correctly, it’s perfectly safe to use your gas fireplace even if the pilot light has gone out.

Is the fireplace safe

What should I do if my pilot light goes out?

If your pilot light does go out, you should check that all connections are secure, then try to relight it yourself using the instructions provided by your manufacturer. If it doesn’t work, contact a qualified technician to inspect and relight it for you.

Can a pilot light go out on its own?

Yes, pilot lights can occasionally go out due to changes in air pressure or drafts. It’s important to be aware of this possibility and check your fireplace regularly to ensure the safety shut-off is working correctly. If necessary, adjust the settings so that the pilot light remains lit.

What are some signs that my gas fireplace isn’t safe?

There are several warning signs that may indicate your gas fireplace is not safe:

  • Unusual odors or noises coming from your fireplace
  • Black soot around the opening of the appliance
  • Signs of water damage like rust or corrosion near the vents or connections If you notice any of these signs, contact a qualified technician immediately.

Overall, while it’s important to be aware that the pilot light may randomly go out and take appropriate action if needed, there is no need to worry as long as your gas fireplace has a functioning safety shut-off feature. By following the manufacturer’s instructions and regularly checking your appliance for any warning signs, you can help ensure safe use of your gas fireplace.

Will a gas leak if the pilot light goes out?

When a pilot light goes out on a gas fireplace, there is no immediate cause for alarm. The gas will not automatically start leaking from the unit if the pilot light is not lit. However, it is important to have the flame relit as soon as possible in order that your home remains safe from potential carbon monoxide poisoning and other dangers associated with an unlit pilot. The main risk associated with an unlit pilot light is the possibility of carbon monoxide entering your home. If the flame goes out and stays out, then any gas that builds up can be released into the air without being burned off right away. This can result in carbon monoxide building up in your home and causing health hazards or worse.

What happens when the gas fireplace pilot light goes out?

If the pilot light goes out, it could be a sign of something wrong with your gas fireplace. A blocked flue vent, for example, can cause the airflow to become restricted and make the pilot light go out. The first step is to ensure that nothing is blocking the flue vent or interfering with its operation. If everything looks clear, then you’ll need to relight your pilot light following the manufacturer’s instructions. Creating an ideal flame size and shape is critical as too much heat can cause damage to some fireplaces – so always follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely when relighting it. Poorly adjusted flames can result in inefficient burning of fuel which will waste energy and money, as well as create a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Can a fireplace pilot light cause carbon monoxide?

Yes, improper ventilation and a poorly adjusted flame can cause the production of carbon monoxide. It is important to ensure that all gas appliances are checked regularly by a qualified technician. If you experience any symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning such as headache, dizziness or nausea, it’s imperative to get out of the house and call for help immediately. In conclusion, regular maintenance and inspection will help keep your fireplace running safely and efficiently – so make sure to check your pilot light at least once per year. Don’t forget to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when relighting your pilot flame, in order to avoid any potential safety issues.

Can a fireplace pilot

What are the pros and cons of a gas fireplace?

Gas fireplaces bring a sense of coziness and comfort to a home. They also offer several advantages over traditional wood-burning fireplaces, including convenience and lower costs. However, there are some potential drawbacks to consider before installing one in your home.


  1. Convenience – Gas fireplaces can be started with the flip of a switch or the press of a button, eliminating the need for logs, kindling, newspaper and matches.
  2. Cost Savings – Gas is usually less expensive than wood, so switching to gas could save you money on fuel costs. Additionally, because they do not require regular maintenance like wood burning stoves do, you may save on repair and cleaning fees.
  3. Cleaner Burning – Gas fireplaces produce significantly fewer emissions than wood-burning versions, so they are a more eco-friendly option.


  1. Installation Costs – Installing a gas fireplace can be expensive due to the cost of materials and labor needed to connect it to your existing gas line or create one if you don’t have one already in place.
  2. Maintenance Requirements – Although gas fireplaces require less maintenance than wood burning stoves, they still need regular cleaning and inspection from a professional technician to keep them running efficiently.  Additionally, the pilot light must be inspected annually for proper operation.
  3. Limited Heat Output – Gas fireplaces typically cannot heat an entire home, making them only a supplemental source of heat. Additionally, gas fireplaces may produce less heat than wood burning stoves. In conclusion, gas fireplaces can be an attractive and convenient option for heating your home, but it is important to consider the pros and cons before making a decision.

Be sure to have your fireplace professionally installed and inspected regularly to ensure safe operation. Additionally, keep in mind that while they can provide some warmth, they will not usually be capable of fully heating a home.  If you are looking for more comprehensive heating options, it may be best to stick with traditional wood-burning stoves or explore other alternatives such as electric fireplaces or space heaters.

Useful Video: TOP 10 Reasons Why the Gas Pilot Light Goes Out & Won’t Stay Lit!


The risk posed by a pilot light going out in a gas fireplace is dependent on its specific characteristics. Most modern fireplaces are designed with safety features to prevent hazardous scenarios from occurring, but it’s always important to be aware of the potential risks and hazards that can come with any type of burning fuel. If you’re ever uncertain about your fireplace, contact a licensed technician or local fire department for advice. Ultimately, taking the necessary precautions to keep your gas fireplace safe should lower any concerns you might have about what could happen if the pilot light goes out.

