How to Paint a Brick Fireplace?

Painted brick fireplaces are all the rage right now. They can completely transform the look of your home, and they are a lot easier to do than you may think! In this article, we will answer all of your frequently asked questions about painting a brick fireplace. We will also provide product reviews and helpful tips on how to get the job done quickly and efficiently. So whether you are considering painting your own fireplace or hiring a professional, this guide will have you covered!

Can Brick Be Painted?

One of the most common questions we get about painting brick fireplaces is “Can brick be painted?” The answer is yes!

Brick is a very porous material, which means that it absorbs paint very well.
However, because it is so porous, you need to use a special type of primer before painting. This will help the paint to adhere better and will also prevent any peeling or flaking in the future.[3]

What You’ll Need

Before you begin this project, you’ll need to gather a few supplies. To start, you’ll need:

  • A wire brush (this will help remove any loose mortar or debris from the bricks)
  • TSP cleaner (or another heavy duty cleaner – this will help remove any soot or stains from the bricks)
  • Paint primer (this will help the paint adhere to the bricks better)
  • Latex paint (choose a color that you love! We went with white for our fireplace)
  • A paintbrush (we recommend using a small angled brush for this project)
  • A ladder (if your fireplace is tall, you may need a ladder to reach the top of it)[1]

Clean the Fireplace Surface

The first step is to clean the fireplace surface. You can do this by scrubbing it with a wire brush or a power washer. If you have a lot of soot and smoke stains, you may need to use a strong cleaner like trisodium phosphate (TSP).

Clean the Fireplace Surface

Once the fireplace is clean, let it dry completely before proceeding to the next step.[1]

Prime the Brick

The first step is to prime the brick. This will help the paint to adhere better and also create a more uniform appearance. You can use any type of primer, but we recommend an oil-based primer for best results.[1]

Paint the Brick

Now that you’ve prepped your fireplace, it’s time to start painting! To get started, you’ll need to gather a few supplies. You’ll need painter’s tape, drop cloths, a paintbrush, and of course, paint. Once you have everything you need, follow these simple steps:

  • Start by taping off any areas that you don’t want painted. This includes the mantel, hearth, and any trim around the fireplace.
  • Next, lay down drop cloths to protect your floor from paint splatters.
  • Now it’s time to start painting! Begin by painting the bricks with a brush using long strokes. Work in small sections until all of the bricks are covered.[1]

Add Finishing Touches

Now that your fireplace is dry, it’s time to add the finishing touches! If you used a primer, you may need to apply a second coat of paint. Once the final coat is dry, reattach any hardware or decorative elements you removed before painting. Then sit back and enjoy your newly painted brick fireplace!

Which Type of Paint Should I Use?

The best type of paint to use on a brick fireplace is high-quality latex paint. You want to make sure that the paint you choose is durable and can withstand the heat from the fireplace. You also want to choose a color that will complement the brick and not clash with it.[2]

If you’re not sure which color to choose, ask for samples at your local hardware store or paint store.
They can help you find the perfect shade for your fireplace.

Do I Need High Heat Paint For A Brick Fireplace?

The short answer is no. You do not need high heat paint for a brick fireplace. However, if you are looking for a paint that will withstand high temperatures and protect your bricks from heat damage, then high heat paint is a good option.[3]

Painting Tips

If you’re painting a brick fireplace for the first time, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some tips:

  • Use a primer: This will help the paint adhere better to the surface and also provide a nice base color.
  • Use a brush: A brush will give you more control over the paint application and help avoid any drips or runs.
  • Be patient: Don’t try to rush the process. Painting takes time, so make sure you have enough set aside to do it right.[3]

Is Painting Fireplace Brick Expensive?

The cost to paint a fireplace brick will depend on the size of your project and the type of paint you use. If you hire a professional, the cost will be higher. However, if you do it yourself, the cost will be lower.

You can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $200 for painting supplies.

Can You Paint A Fireplace Hearth?

Yes, you can paint a fireplace hearth! In fact, many people choose to do so in order to change the look of their fireplace.

Can You Paint A Fireplace Hearth?

If you want to paint your fireplace hearth, you will need to use a high-quality primer and paint designed for fireplaces. You should also consult with a professional painter before beginning this project.

Painted Brick Fireplace Ideas

If you’re thinking about painting your brick fireplace, you’re not alone. More and more people are realizing that painting a brick fireplace is an easy and affordable way to update the look of their home.

There are a few things to consider before you begin painting your brick fireplace. First, decide what color you want to paint your fireplace. White is a popular choice, but you can really choose any color that you like. Just keep in mind that lighter colors will require more maintenance than darker colors.[4]

Maintaining a White Painted Brick Fireplace

One of the most common questions we get asked is how to maintain a white painted brick fireplace. The good news is that it’s not difficult! Here are a few tips:

  • Wipe down your fireplace with a damp cloth regularly to remove any dust or dirt.
  • If you see any stains, use a mild soap and water solution to spot clean them.
  • Once a year, you can give your fireplace a deeper cleaning by using trisodium phosphate (TSP) mixed with water. Follow the instructions on the TSP package carefully.[4]

How to Paint a Brick Fireplace: Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re looking to give your brick fireplace a fresh look, follow this step-by-step guide for painting it. This table provides detailed instructions and additional tips to help you achieve a beautiful result.

Step Task Materials Needed Additional Tips
Step 1 Clean the brick surface All-purpose cleaner, wire brush, rags Remove soot and dirt with a wire brush. Wipe the bricks clean with a damp cloth.
Step 2 Repair any damaged areas Masonry patch or filler, putty knife Fill cracks and holes with masonry patch. Allow it to dry and sand it smooth.
Step 3 Prime the brick Stain-blocking primer, paint roller and tray Apply a coat of primer to seal the brick surface. Use a roller for even coverage.
Step 4 Paint the brick Latex paint (color of your choice), paint roller and tray Apply 2-3 coats of paint for a uniform finish. Let each coat dry thoroughly between applications.
Step 5 Protect the area Painter’s tape, drop cloths Tape off areas you want to keep paint-free. Cover the floor and nearby surfaces with drop cloths.
Step 6 Finishing touches Remove painter’s tape, clean up brushes and rollers After the final coat, remove tape while the paint is still slightly tacky for clean lines. Clean brushes and rollers with soap and water or according to the paint instructions.

Explanation of the Table:

This table offers a comprehensive guide on how to paint a brick fireplace. Each step is detailed, including the tasks, materials needed, and additional tips to help you achieve a successful fireplace transformation.


Can you just paint a brick fireplace?

Yes, you can paint a brick fireplace. However, it is important to note that not all bricks are created equal. Some bricks are more porous than others and will absorb more paint, resulting in an uneven finish. It is also important to choose the right type of paint for the job. A high-quality latex primer and paint designed for masonry surfaces will give you the best results.

If you’re unsure about whether or not your fireplace is a good candidate for painting, it’s always best to consult with a professional before proceeding.

Do you have to prime a brick fireplace before painting?

Yes, you will need to prime your fireplace before painting. We recommend using a primer that is designed for use on brick surfaces. This will help ensure that your paint job lasts longer and looks better.

Can you paint a brick fireplace with a roller?

Yes, you can paint a brick fireplace with a roller. The key is to use the right type of paint and to prepare the surface properly before painting.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to give your fireplace a makeover, painting it is a great option. Not only will it refresh the look of your fireplace, but it can also help protect the bricks from weathering and wear.

How do you make a brick fireplace look modern?

If you want to make your brick fireplace look modern, there are a few things you can do. First, consider painting the bricks white. This will give the fireplace a clean and fresh look. You could also try painting the bricks a light gray or even a bold color like black or navy blue. Another way to modernize a brick fireplace is to add new hardware, such as stainless steel pulls or glass knobs. Finally, consider adding some greenery or other decor items on top of the mantelpiece to really give the fireplace a fresh and updated look.

What Sheen should I paint my fireplace?

Most experts recommend using a high-gloss paint for your fireplace. This will ensure that the bricks are properly sealed and protected from future damage.

What Sheen should I paint my fireplace?

If you’re looking for a more rustic look, you can always go with a semi-gloss or even a matte finish. Just be sure to test it out on a small area first to see how it looks!

Do you need heat resistant paint to paint a fireplace?

If you’re painting a fireplace that’s in use, you’ll need to use heat resistant paint. This type of paint can withstand high temperatures without blistering or peeling. You can find heat resistant paint at most hardware stores.

What are the essential materials needed to start a fire in a fireplace?

To start a fire in a fireplace, you’ll need firewood (both seasoned and dry), kindling (smaller pieces of wood or newspaper), and a reliable fire starter such as matches, firelighters, or fire starter logs.

To create a successful fire in a fireplace, stack the firewood in a crisscross or log cabin pattern. Leave space between the logs to allow airflow, which helps the fire burn more efficiently. Place kindling and fire starters at the base of the stack.

Can you explain the step-by-step process of lighting a fire in a fireplace using firewood and kindling?

To start a fire using firewood and kindling, first, create a base with crumpled newspaper or small kindling at the center of the fireplace. Add larger kindling pieces on top, forming a teepee shape. Place firewood logs around this structure and light the newspaper or kindling at the base. As the fire grows, it will ignite the larger logs.

What’s the role of draft and airflow in starting a fireplace fire, and how can I optimize it?

Draft and airflow are essential for starting a fireplace fire. Ensure that the damper is open to allow proper ventilation. Additionally, crack a nearby window slightly to create a draft, which helps carry smoke up the chimney and provides oxygen for the fire.

Are there any safety precautions to keep in mind when starting a fire in a fireplace?

Safety is crucial when starting a fire in a fireplace. Make sure the flue or damper is open to allow smoke to escape. Keep flammable items and decorations away from the fireplace, and use a fireplace screen to prevent sparks from escaping. Always have a fire extinguisher nearby.

What do you do if the fire in the fireplace doesn’t start or goes out quickly?

If the fire doesn’t start or goes out quickly, it may be due to insufficient kindling, wet firewood, or poor draft. Ensure you have enough kindling and dry firewood. If the problem persists, troubleshoot by checking the damper, chimney, or ventilation.

How can I extend the life of a fireplace fire and keep it burning steadily?

To extend the life of a fireplace fire, add more firewood and adjust the damper to control the airflow. Use a fireplace poker to move the logs closer together as they burn down. Maintaining a steady supply of dry firewood and keeping the firebox clean also helps maintain a consistent fire.

What are some alternative fire-starting methods for a fireplace, aside from traditional wood and kindling?

Alternative fire-starting methods include using fire starter logs, fire starter sticks, or even compressed sawdust fire starters. These options can help you start a fire more conveniently, especially if you have difficulty finding dry firewood and kindling.

Useful Video: How to Paint a Brick Fireplace


Now that you know how to paint a brick fireplace, it’s time to get started! Gather your supplies, prep your surface, and get painting. With a little elbow grease, you’ll have a beautiful new focal point in no time. Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. We love hearing from our readers! Happy painting!

