Bedroom Fireplace Ideas

Bedroom Fireplace Ideas

A bedroom fireplace can add character and charm to any room. It can also be a great place to relax and unwind after a long day. If you are thinking of adding a bedroom fireplace, or are just looking for some ideas on how to decorate it, you have come to the right place! This article will answer some common questions about bedroom fireplaces and offer some tips on how to choose, use and decorate them. So, read on for all the information you need to create a warm and inviting bedroom space with a beautiful fireplace!

Why do you need a Fireplace in a Bedroom?

Having a fireplace in your bedroom can instantly add a cozy and romantic atmosphere to the room. It is also great for creating a relaxing environment, allowing you to unwind after a long day. Installing a fireplace in your bedroom can also help to warm up cool winter nights and provide additional heating throughout the colder months of the year. Not to mention, it’s an attractive design feature that will give your bedroom an inviting feel. Overall, having a fireplace in the bedroom is definitely worth considering if you want to create an inviting atmosphere while enjoying added warmth and comfort during colder months. You may even find that it helps you sleep better at night!

In addition to providing warmth and ambiance, installing a fireplace in your bedroom can also save you money on your heating bill. By using a fireplace instead of an electric or gas-powered heater, you can significantly reduce the amount of energy used to keep your bedroom warm. This will not only help to lower your monthly bills but also have a positive impact on the environment.

Finally, having a fireplace in your bedroom is a great way to add style and character to the room. Depending on which type of fireplace you choose, it can become the focal point of your bedroom and create an eye-catching feature that blends seamlessly with any existing decor. Whether you opt for a traditional wood-burning fireplace or something more modern like an electric one, adding this feature to your bedroom will truly elevate its look and feel [1]!

Why do you need a Fireplace in a Bedroom?

Bedroom Fireplace Ideas to Cozy Up Your Space

Mid-Century Bedroom with Gray Fireplace

Create a cozy atmosphere in your bedroom with a mid-century-inspired fireplace. Opt for a gray stone mantel that will contrast against the bright white walls, and add splashes of color by incorporating colorful furniture and accessories. Layering rugs in shades of blue, brown, and green will further the comfort level in this tranquil setting.

Farmhouse Bedroom with Rustic Fireplace

A rustic stone or brick fireplace is perfect for creating an inviting farmhouse-style bedroom. Hang curtains along the walls to frame your beautiful centerpiece and bring together all elements of the room. You can also go for a more modern take on this look by adding contemporary art pieces or unique light fixtures.

Marble Fireplace Wall with Built-In Bench

If you want to make a statement in your bedroom, consider creating a marble fireplace wall. This luxurious feature will be sure to impress visitors, and if you add a built-in bench, it can double as cozy seating. Opt for bold colors and textures like velvet couches or bright throws to keep the look from becoming too sterile. And be sure to choose wisely when selecting art pieces – they should complement both the walls and furniture for an elegant overall effect.

Vintage Bedroom with Wood Burning Fireplace

Bring some vintage charm into your bedroom with a wood-burning fireplace. Choose white paint and light-colored furniture, then accessorize with antiques or rustic artwork that adds warmth and personality to the space. Hang up artwork that reflects your style and interests, and add in a few pops of color with pillows or throws for a cozy finish.

Modern Bedroom with Electric Fireplace

If you love the look of an electric fireplace but don’t have room for one in your bedroom, consider mounting it on the wall as an accent piece. Choose sleek furniture pieces in black or gray to complement the fireplace’s modern design, then hang up art pieces that draw attention to its unique shape. You can also install shelves around it to display books, picture frames, and other trinkets.

Modern Bedroom with Electric Fireplace

Industrial Bedroom with Gas Fireplace

Create a moody atmosphere in your bedroom with a gas fireplace. The raw metal construction will make a bold statement and pair well with an industrial-style bedroom. Choose furniture pieces in dark colors and incorporate elements of wood, concrete, and brick for a cohesive look. This style is great for those who appreciate modern sophistication but still like to have a touch of warmth and coziness in the room.

Elegant Bedroom with Ambient Fireplace

Bring some elegance into your bedroom with an ambient fireplace. Choose furniture pieces that feature luxe materials such as velvet or leather and opt for muted colors like gray or beige. Hang up artwork that is classic yet stylish and accessorize with metallic accents for a truly sophisticated atmosphere. Add candles around the room to further enhance the romantic feel of this look.

Wood-Filled Bedroom Fireplace

For a truly cozy atmosphere, fill your bedroom with wood-based elements. Start by finding the perfect wood-burning fireplace to be the centerpiece of the room. Then layer in wooden furniture pieces and accessories that feature earthy colors and textures. Hang up art pieces that have an elemental feel, then light candles around the room for a warm and inviting ambiance.

Contemporary Bedroom with Fireplace Feature Wall

Bring some drama into your bedroom with a contemporary fireplace feature wall. Choose materials like marble or stone to contrast against neutral walls, then accessorize with bold artwork and metallic accents. You can also incorporate plants into this look as they can enhance the modern feel while adding pops of color to the space. Finish off with comfortable furniture pieces to provide a relaxing atmosphere.

Painted Brick Fireplace Wall

If you’re looking for a unique way to turn your bedroom into an oasis, consider painting your brick fireplace wall. Choose a calming color like blue or green to keep the energy of the room relaxed, then accessorize with art pieces that tie the look together. Add in accent furniture in neutral tones and light up the room with candles or string lights for an inviting atmosphere.

Painted Brick Fireplace Wall

Rustic Bedroom Fireplace

Turn your bedroom into an inviting and cozy retreat by incorporating rustic elements such as wood-burning fireplaces and barn doors. Choose mismatched furniture pieces in natural materials like wood and wicker, then hang up artwork that reflects rural life. Throw on some throw pillows in muted colors, then dim the lights to create a rustic and romantic atmosphere.

Traditional Marble Fireplace

For a truly timeless look, opt for a traditional marble fireplace in your bedroom. Choose furniture pieces that feature ornate details and classic silhouettes such as four-post beds or wingback chairs. Hang up artwork with muted colors and add in lamps with metal finishes to complement the fireplace’s sophistication. Throw on some pillows in jewel tones to bring out the beauty of the marble, then light candles around the room for an added touch of warmth.

Mounted Fireplace With Rustic Wood Mantel

Create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your bedroom with a rustic wood mantel-mounted fireplace. Choose furniture pieces that incorporate natural materials like leather and wood, then accessorize with metal accents for a modern touch. Hang up artwork with warm tones to bring out the beauty of the wood, then add candles around the room to further enhance its warmth.

Historic Bedroom Fireplace

Bring some historical charm into your bedroom with a vintage fireplace. Choose furniture pieces that reflect the period and opt for muted colors like ivory or beige. Hang up artwork that reflects the era and add in antiques to bring out the beauty of the fireplace. Finish off by lighting candles around the room for an inviting atmosphere that will transport you back in time.

Angled Corner Fireplace

For a truly unique look, opt for an angled corner fireplace in your bedroom. Choose furniture pieces that contrast the sharp angles of the fireplace and add in rugs with soft textures to bring out its beauty. Hang up artwork that celebrates the geometry of this feature then add bright pillows or throws to complete the look. Finish off by lighting candles around the room for added warmth and coziness.

Angled Corner Fireplace

Off-Center Electric Fireplace

Create a cozy and inviting atmosphere with an off-center electric fireplace. Choose furniture pieces that feature comfortable shapes and textures, then accessorize with artwork in muted tones. Add in pillows or throw in earthy colors to bring out the beauty of this feature, then light up the room with candles for a truly romantic atmosphere.

Stone Electric Fireplace

Bring some drama into your bedroom with a stone electric fireplace. Choose neutral walls and furniture pieces to contrast against the bold look of the stone, then accessorize with metallic accents for added shine. Hang up bold artwork that celebrates this feature’s texture and color, then finish off by lighting up candles around the room for an inviting atmosphere.

Blue and White Bedroom Fireplace

Create a tranquil and relaxed atmosphere in your bedroom with a blue and white fireplace. Choose furniture pieces that feature clean lines and subtle details, then accessorize with artwork in coordinating colors. Throw on some pillows or throws in muted tones to bring out the beauty of this feature, then add candles around the room for added warmth and coziness.

Novelty Bedroom Fireplace

Add some whimsy to your bedroom with a novelty fireplace. Choose furniture pieces that reflect your style and opt for bright colors like green or pink to create an eye-catching look. Hang up artwork that celebrates your favorite hobbies or interests, then finish off by lighting up candles around the room for an inviting atmosphere [2].

Novelty Bedroom Fireplace

DIY Tips for Making Bedroom Fireplace

  1. Remove all flammable items from the area surrounding the fireplace. This includes furniture, curtains, and rugs.
  2. Place a fireproof mat or rug on the floor in front of the fireplace to protect it from sparks and embers that may fall out during operation.
  3. Install a smoke detector near the bedroom fireplace to alert you if there is a potential fire hazard. Make sure it is connected to an external alarm system that can be heard in other parts of the house.
  4. Consider installing an exterior vent for the exhaust fumes produced by your fireplace so they don’t accumulate inside the room causing air pollution indoors.
  5. Use only seasoned hardwood logs as fuel for the fireplace and never use any combustible liquids or gels.
  6. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case of emergencies. Make sure you know how to use it properly before operating your bedroom fireplace.
  7. Have an inspector check your bedroom fireplace regularly to make sure everything is functioning correctly and safely. This service should be done at least once per year.
  8. Check all electrical wiring near the fireplace to make sure it meets local building codes and safety regulations.
  9. Be mindful of any open flames when leaving the room, as they can create a significant fire hazard if left unattended for too long.
  10. Finally, remember to enjoy the ambiance of your new bedroom fireplace!

How to maintain a fireplace in a bedroom?

Maintaining a fireplace in your bedroom is not as daunting as it might seem. Taking proper care of the firebox and chimney, having the correct safety measures in place, and regularly inspecting your unit can help to ensure that you have a safe and well-maintained fireplace.

  1. Have Proper Ventilation: It is important to make sure that your room has adequate ventilation when operating a fireplace. This will allow for smoke and other pollutants that are generated during combustion to be carried away from the area safely. In addition, installing an exhaust fan or opening windows near the fireplace can help keep air circulating in the room, which will reduce the buildup of combustible gases like carbon monoxide.
  2. Keep Your Firebox and Chimney Clean: A dirty firebox or chimney can lead to dangerous conditions like a chimney fire. To avoid this, it is important to regularly inspect your fireplace for any buildup of soot or creosote and to clean them out when necessary. This process should be done at least twice a year to ensure the safe operation of your unit.
  3. Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Installing carbon monoxide detectors in the room where the fireplace is located is an important safety measure that should not be overlooked. These devices will alert you if there are unsafe levels of carbon monoxide present, which can be caused by inadequate ventilation or improper burning practices.
  4. Use the Right Fuels: Depending on the type of fireplace you have, you may need to use specific fuels to ensure safe burning. For instance, wood-burning fireplaces require that only seasoned hardwoods be used, and any other combustible materials should not be burned in the unit. Additionally, using artificial logs or briquettes can help reduce smoke and particulate emissions from the fire.
  5. Have Regular Inspections: To ensure your fireplace is operating safely and efficiently, it is important to have it inspected by a professional every year. This will allow them to check for any signs of damage or wear that could potentially lead to an issue down the line. In addition, they will also be able to inspect the chimney and give advice on how best to maintain it.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your bedroom fireplace is safe and well-maintained for years to come. With the right care and attention, you can enjoy the warmth and beauty of a cozy fire without fear of danger or damage.

How to maintain a fireplace in a bedroom?

How to provide safety for a fireplace in a bedroom?

To provide safety for a fireplace in a bedroom, it is important to install an appropriate fire guard as well as take other precautions.

  1. Install Fire Guards – Make sure that a proper fire guard or spark arrester is installed around the fireplace. This will help prevent sparks from flying out of the fireplace and starting a fire in your bedroom.
  2. Keep Flammable Items Away – Keep flammable items such as furniture, curtains, and bedding away from the fireplace so they do not catch on fire if sparks fly out.
  3. Open the Window – Opening a window while burning wood in your bedroom fireplace can help ensure that smoke does not build up in the room too quickly which can be dangerous and cause suffocation.
  4. Clean the Chimney – Clean the chimney at least once a year to reduce the risk of smoke, carbon monoxide buildup, and other issues that can be hazardous.
  5. Avoid Overfiring – Do not overfire your bedroom fireplace as this can cause excessive heat which could start a fire in your bedroom or in neighboring rooms.
  6. Supervise Children – Make sure small children are supervised when near the bedroom fireplace as they may not understand the dangers posed by it.
  7. Turn off the Gas Fireplace Before Sleeping – When using a gas fireplace in your bedroom, make sure to turn it off before going to bed so that there is no danger of an accident while you sleep.
  8. Have Regular Inspections – Have the chimney or flue inspected by a professional regularly to make sure it is functioning properly and safely. The frequency of inspections may vary depending on how often you use the fireplace, but it is generally recommended to do this at least once a year.
  9. Put Out Fires Completely Before Going to Bed – Make sure all fires are completely extinguished before going to bed or leaving your home so they do not pose a fire hazard while you’re gone.
  10. Be Prepared for Emergencies – Have a fire extinguisher in case of an emergency, as well as an escape plan in case of a fire.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your bedroom fireplace is safe and secure for use. Make sure to inspect your fireplace regularly and take care when using it to reduce the risk of an accident or fire. Additionally, be aware of any local laws or regulations regarding the use of a bedroom fireplace in your area. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy the warmth and comfort of a bedroom fireplace without compromising safety.

How to provide safety for a fireplace in a bedroom?

How to decorate a fireplace in a bedroom?

Decorating a fireplace in a bedroom can be an exciting way to express your style and bring a cozy atmosphere to the room. Here are some tips on how to decorate your fireplace for maximum impact:

  1. Choose a Color Scheme – Start by picking out colors that complement one another, as well as the existing color scheme of the room. You can also choose colors based on the season or occasion.
  2. Hang Wall Art Around Fireplace – Make sure to hang wall art around the fireplace that reflects your personality and style. This could include vintage paintings, abstract pieces, photographs, mirrors, or other decorative items. Just make sure they don’t obstruct the view of the fire too much!
  3. Install Fireplace Accessories – To add a bit of character, try incorporating fireplace accessories like a screen, tool set, log holder, andirons, or mantel clock.
  4. Add Pillows & Blankets – For an extra cozy touch, add throw pillows and blankets near the fireplace to make it even more inviting.
  5. Use Candles & Lanterns – Candles and lanterns can create a beautiful ambiance around the fireplace without taking up too much space. Try different shapes and sizes for visual interest.

By following these tips you can easily decorate your bedroom fireplace in a way that reflects your style and creates an inviting atmosphere in the room [3]!


Can you put a fireplace in the bedroom?

In most cases, no, it is not recommended to install a fireplace in the bedroom. Fireplaces require special ventilation to expel smoke and other by-products of combustion out of the room. Bedrooms are typically poorly ventilated spaces and may contain flammable materials such as bedding or clothing that could increase the risk of fire if exposed to sparks from a fireplace. Additionally, having an open flame in a bedroom is generally considered a safety hazard due to the risks associated with falling asleep with an active flame. If you still decide to include a fireplace in your bedroom design, it should be inspected and approved by a qualified professional before use.

Can you put a fireplace in the bedroom?

What type of fireplace is best for the bedroom?

If you decide to install a fireplace in your bedroom, the best option is generally an electric or gas insert. These inserts provide the same warmth and visual appeal of a real fire without producing smoke or other combustion by-products that could pose a health hazard.

Additionally, they can be much easier to install, as no venting or exhaust systems are required. They also come with safety features such as automatic shut-off timers and temperature settings to ensure your safety while using them.  Finally, electric and gas inserts are usually more energy efficient than traditional wood-burning fireplaces, which can help you reduce your monthly heating costs.

What to put over the bedroom fireplace?

When you install a fireplace in the bedroom, it is important to consider how you will protect the walls from heat and sparks. To ensure that your walls remain safe, you should install a protective plate or guard over the fireplace. This can be made of metal or fire-resistant material and should extend at least 6 inches above the top of the firebox opening. Additionally, installing a mesh screen in front of the firebox can help prevent embers from escaping onto nearby surfaces. Finally, it is always recommended to use nonflammable materials such as stone or brick when designing your fireplace surround. This will provide additional protection against heat and sparks while also giving your room a cozy look.

What is a fireplace in a room called?

A fireplace in a room is typically referred to as an insert or hearth. An insert is a type of enclosed firebox that can be installed within an existing space such as a wall or chimney. A hearth, on the other hand, is usually made from brick, stone, or tile and covers the entire floor beneath the fireplace. Both inserts and hearths are designed to provide heat and visual appeal while also protecting your home from sparks and smoke damage.  No matter which types you choose for your bedroom, it should always be inspected and approved by a qualified professional before use.

Are there any special considerations when installing a fireplace in the bedroom?

Yes, there are some additional safety precautions you should take when installing a fireplace in the bedroom. These may include checking for any potential fire hazards such as flammable materials near the fireplace, installing a mesh screen to help prevent sparks from escaping, and using nonflammable materials such as stone or brick when designing the surround. Additionally, it is important to make sure that you have adequate ventilation to expel smoke and other combustion by-products out of the room. Finally, make sure that your chosen fireplace has an automatic shut-off timer and temperature setting so you can rest easy knowing your safety is always taken care of.

Is a fireplace in the bedroom good for feng shui?

Yes, a fireplace can be beneficial for feng shui if it is installed and used in the right way. To promote good energy flow, it is important to ensure that your fireplace is properly ventilated and that any smoke or emissions are expelled away from you. Additionally, having an open flame in the bedroom can help attract wealth and prosperity by bringing in positive energy. Finally, choosing a nonflammable material such as stone or brick for the surround can help create a calming atmosphere while also protecting from sparks and heat.

Do fireplaces heat up a room?

Yes, fireplaces are an excellent way to heat up a room. Depending on the type of fireplace you choose, they can be very efficient at heating a space quickly and effectively. For example, gas and electric inserts require no venting or exhaust systems and can often come with safety features such as automatic shut-off timers. Additionally, traditional wood-burning fireplaces typically provide more heat than other options, but they may also produce smoke and combustion by-products that could pose a health hazard.  Regardless of which type you choose, make sure to always have your fireplace inspected and approved by a qualified professional before use.

Do fireplaces heat up a room?

Can you have a wood fireplace in the bedroom?

Yes, you can have a wood fireplace in the bedroom as long as it is properly installed and maintained. Wood-burning fireplaces typically produce more heat than other types and are often considered to be the most cost-efficient option. However, they may also produce smoke and combustion by-products that could pose a health hazard if not properly ventilated. Additionally, installing a mesh screen in front of the firebox can help prevent embers from escaping onto nearby surfaces, while using nonflammable materials such as stone or brick when designing your fireplace surround will provide additional protection against heat and sparks.

Is it safe to sleep in a room with a gas fireplace?

Yes, it is generally safe to sleep in a room with a gas fireplace. Gas fireplaces are often considered one of the safest options as they require no venting or exhaust systems and can come with safety features such as automatic shut-off timers. Additionally, since gas fireplaces produce no smoke or combustion by-products, they pose very few health risks when used correctly. However, it is always important to check that your chosen gas fireplace has been inspected and approved by a qualified professional before use.

Can I have an electric fireplace in my bedroom?

Yes, you can have an electric fireplace in your bedroom. Electric fireplaces are a great option for bedrooms as they require no venting or exhaust systems and pose very little risk of producing smoke or other combustion by-products. Additionally, many electric fireplaces come with safety features such as automatic shut-off timers which can help prevent accidental fires from occurring. However, it is always important to check that your chosen electric fireplace has been inspected and approved by a qualified professional before use.

Can I put a TV above my fireplace in a bedroom?

Yes, you can put a TV above your fireplace in the bedroom as long as it is installed with the appropriate safety measures. To ensure that your television and electric components are properly protected from heat, you should always use a nonflammable material such as stone or brick when designing your surround. Additionally, it is important to check that there is adequate ventilation for any heat created by the fireplace and that all electrical wiring has been approved by a qualified professional before use. Finally, it may also be wise to install a safety screen in front of the firebox to help prevent sparks from escaping onto nearby surfaces.  With these measures in place, having a TV above your fireplace in the bedroom can be both safe and enjoyable.

Are fireplaces safe for breathing?

Yes, fireplaces can be safe for breathing as long as they are properly installed and maintained. Gas and electric fireplaces typically produce no smoke or combustion by-products, so they pose very few health risks when used correctly. Additionally, installing a mesh screen in front of the firebox can help prevent embers from escaping onto nearby surfaces, while using nonflammable materials such as stone or brick when designing your fireplace surround will provide additional protection against heat and sparks. However, it is always important to check that your chosen fireplace has been inspected and approved by a qualified professional before use.

Do indoor fireplaces smell?

No, indoor fireplaces typically do not produce any odors. Gas and electric fireplaces are designed to be clean burning and require no venting or exhaust systems, so they will not produce smoke or combustion by-products that could cause an odor in your home. However, if you have a wood-burning fireplace, it is important to check the chimney for creosote buildup regularly as this can lead to unpleasant odors. Additionally, if you notice any strange smells coming from your fireplace it may be a sign of an underlying problem such as poor ventilation or inadequate maintenance, so it is always important to seek advice from a qualified professional if you have concerns about your fireplace’s safety or performance.

Useful Video: 45+ Best Bedroom Fireplace Design Ideas


Bedroom Fireplaces are an excellent way to add a touch of luxury and comfort to your home. They not only provide warmth but can also be used as accent pieces that enhance the overall look and feel of any bedroom. With a wide range of options available, you’ll likely find something that suits your style and budget perfectly. Whether it’s an electric fireplace, gas fireplace, or even a traditional wood-burning one, installing a fireplace in your bedroom can completely transform the atmosphere. Not only will it bring coziness and relaxation into the space, but it will also increase its aesthetic appeal for years to come!

